Impact strategists Rosemary Addis and Laurie Spengler write in Forbes that, in this moment of turbulence and partisanship, corporate boards should put substance over signaling on issues of sustainability and equity. The key questions Board members should ask themselves include: “
Tag: governance
Preparing for What Comes After the Old Aid Paradigm
Georgetown University’s Professor Ken Opalo has published a blog arguing that the trend of rich countries, notably but not only the US, could be an opportunity for African countries. “Everyone must be clear-eyed about the fact that this might be the end of the long-established aid model. And it’s imperative to prepare for what comes…(Read more)
Special Issue of the African Evaluation Journal Honours Dr. Sulley Gariba
The African Evaluation Journal has published a special issue in honour of one of the continent’s prime leaders in the field, the late Sulley Gariba, Ghanaian diplomat, policy advisor, and evaluation strategist and practitioner. Dr, Gariba constructed new pathways for African-developed and -owned evaluation by governments and civil society, and promoted youth engagement in the…(Read more)
US State Department TIP Report Praises Fair Food Program
The 2024 Trafficking in Persons report of the United States State Department praises the human rights protections for migrant workers of the Fair Food Program and other worker-driven social responsibility models: “Over the last several years, government and private sector attention has become focused on resilient supply chains, and there are increasing supply chain transparency…(Read more)
Chardi Kala: “We need more defiant optimism”: Jagmeet Singh
“We need more defiant optimism in the face of adversity,” declared Jagmeet Singh, Leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party, in giving the Bell Lecture at Carleton University in Ottawa on April 30, 2024. “I learned from my mother that the phrase for that is Chardi Kala.” Mr. Singh also recounted the ways in which his…(Read more)
Plastics Circularity Investment Tracker Identifies $160B in Private Investments
In early November 2023, The Circulate Initiative, a US non-profit, published the key global findings of its Plastics Circularity Investment Tracker, an online tool for investors. For the period 2018-2023, the tracker identified 3,700 investment deals around the world and USD 160 B worth of investments in upstream and downstream products and services, including materials,…(Read more)
COP 28: Where are the Workers?
Writing on the McLeod Group blog site, Edward Jackson, President of E.T. Jackson and Associates, notes that workers and their organizations are on the sidelines of COP 28 deliberations. However, he argues that net zero and a just energy transition are unachievable without the expert knowledge of workers and the participation of trade unions in…(Read more)
World leaders and Nobel laureates back Muhammad Yunus in legal battle
Nearly 180 world leaders and Nobel laureates signed an open letter published in the New York Times calling on Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to halt the judicial harassment of Grameen Bank founder and Nobel prize winner Muhammad Yunus, often called the father of microfinance. The signatories also urged the Prime Minister to ensure that…(Read more)
Renewables Save $.5B in Fuel Costs in 2022
A new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) finds that: “the renewable power added in 2022 reduced the fuel bill of the electricity sector worldwide. New capacity added since 2000 reduced the electricity sector fuel bill in 2022 by at least USD 520 billion.” IRENA’s Director-General, Francesco La Camera, said: “There is no…(Read more)
To Advance Freedom, We Need to Improve Job Quality
Aspen Institute VP Maureen Conway, blogging on July 4, 2023, American Independence Day, argues that “America cannot truly be the Land of the Free until we liberate its working people and enable them to enjoy the fruits of their labor. This can only be accomplished by improving the quality of their jobs.” She points to…(Read more)