US State Department TIP Report Praises Fair Food Program

The 2024 Trafficking in Persons report of the United States State Department praises the human rights protections for migrant workers of the Fair Food Program and other worker-driven social responsibility models:  “Over the last several years, government and private sector attention has become focused on resilient supply chains, and there are increasing supply chain transparency and due diligence policies, regulations, and laws globally. In addition, various initiatives have been developed to raise the importance of workers’ agency. It is notable that flower-sector leader Bloomia’s entire cut-flower supply chain, which encompasses farms in the United States, Chile, and South Africa, will now be certified for human rights protections by the Fair Food Program, pioneers in the worker-driven social responsibility model with its partnerships among retailers, growers, and workers.” For more on the report, visit the website of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers at HERE