Impact strategists Rosemary Addis and Laurie Spengler write in Forbes that, in this moment of turbulence and partisanship, corporate boards should put substance over signaling on issues of sustainability and equity. The key questions Board members should ask themselves include: “
Tag: social responsibility
Preparing for What Comes After the Old Aid Paradigm
Georgetown University’s Professor Ken Opalo has published a blog arguing that the trend of rich countries, notably but not only the US, could be an opportunity for African countries. “Everyone must be clear-eyed about the fact that this might be the end of the long-established aid model. And it’s imperative to prepare for what comes…(Read more)
US Department of Agriculture Prioritizes Worker-Driven Social Responsibility
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced its new Farm Labor Stabilization and Protections (FLSP) Pilot Program to address human rights violations against migrant farmworkers and to maintain a stable agricultural workforce. Under this pilot, employers that improve conditions in their supply chain through the protections of a worker-driven social responsibility program—like the Fair Food…(Read more)
Worker-Driven Social Responsibility Highlighted at UN Forum
Late last year, representatives of the US-based Coalition of Immokalee Workers and its award-winning Fair Food Program presented their model of worker-driven social responsibility to the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights. As Greg Asbed, a CIW co-founder said, at the core of the model are three elements: “wall to wall worker education”…(Read more)