Resources for Gender Lens Investing
D. Beaulieu, E. T. Jackson, and K. Sammy. The Design and Implementation of a Gender Equality Policy and Action Plan for Development Finance Institutions: Technical Guidance Brief Caribbean Development Bank, Bridgetown, Draft July 30, 2020. https://etjackson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CDB-Technical-Guidance-Brief-July-30-2020.pdf
Biegel, S. and D. Rodriguez Heyman. Gender Smart-Investing Summit: Program and Report, London, 2018 https://www.gendersmartinvesting.com/
Criterion Institute. Gender Lens Investing. March 2012. https://www.criterioninstitute.org/resources/framework-defining-a-gender-lens
Global Impact Investing Network. Gender Lens Investing Initiative, New York, 2018 https://thegiin.org/gender-lens-investing-initiative
Grantham, K. Feminist and Gender-Transformative Financial Inclusion. WED Lab, McGill University and IDRC, Montreal/Ottawa, 2019 http://womensempowerment.lab.mcgill.ca/seminars/feminist-gender-transformative-financial-inclusion/
International Capital Market Association, UN Women, and International Finance Corporation. Bonds to Bridge the Gender Gap: A Practitioner’s Guide to Using Sustainable Debt for Gender Equality. London, New York, and Washington, DC., 2021. https://www.ifc.org/en/insights-reports/2021/sustainable-bonds-to-bridge-the-gender-gap
Jackson, E. T. Harmonisation for speed and efficiency: choice and voice in measuring women’s job quality. In S. Attridge (ed). The catalytic effects of DFI investment: gender equality, climate action and the harmonisation of impact standards. Overseas Development Institute and European Development Finance Institutions, London, 2021, 52-57. https://odi.cdn.ngo/media/documents/ODI_EDFI_essay_series_final.pdf
Jackson, E. T. Widening the Lens, Looking Further Ahead: Options for Australian Support for Gender Lens Investing Post-Investing in Women. Investing in Women and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Manila and Canberra, 2021. https://investinginwomen.asia/knowledge/options-australian-support-gender-lens-investing-post-investing-in-women/
Jackson, E.T. and K. Alvarez. Catalytic Capital for Women’s Economic Empowerment. Investing in Women, Manila, 2019
Jackson, E.T. and E. de Morais Sarmento. 2021. Gender Lens Investing: Co-Creating Critical Knowledge to Build a Credible, Durable Field. In E. De Morais Sarmento and R.P. Herman (eds), Global Handbook of Impact Investing: Solving Global Problems Via Smarter Capital Markets Towards a More Sustainable Society. Hoboken: Wiley, 2021, 195-232. https://www.wiley.com/en-ca/Global+Handbook+of+Impact+Investing:+Solving+Global+Problems+Via+Smarter+Capital+Markets+Towards+A+More+Sustainable+Society-p-9781119690641
Jackson, E. T and C. Robino (eds). Growing Gender Lens Investing in Emerging Markets, Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 12(3), 2022, pp. 671-831. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tsfi20/collections/Gender-investing-markets
MEDA and USAID. Gender Equality Mainstreaming Framework, Waterloo, 2018 https://www.meda.org/gem
C. Robino, F. Mbiekop, G. Dowie, E.T. Jackson, K. Carty, and A. Shetty. Solutions to the Care Crisis: How Social Enterprises and Impact Investing Can Transform the Care Economy. The Next Billion, November 29, 2021. https://nextbillion.net/social-enterprises-impact-investing-care-economy/
Robino, C. and E. T. Jackson. Editorial: Growing Gender Lens Investing in Emerging Markets, Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 12(3), 2022, pp. 671-683. https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/tsfi20/collections/Gender-investing-markets
Sammy, K. Gender Lens Investing and Green Financing: The role of women-owned small and medium businesses in climate vulnerable communities. Prepared for the Expert Meeting, UN Women, Bridgetown and New York, 2021. https://www.unwomen.org/sites/default/files/Headquarters/Attachments/Sections/CSW/66/EGM/Expert%20Papers/Sammy%20KIZZANN_CSW66%20Expert%20Paper.pdf