Impact strategists Rosemary Addis and Laurie Spengler write in Forbes that, in this moment of turbulence and partisanship, corporate boards should put substance over signaling on issues of sustainability and equity. The key questions Board members should ask themselves include: “
- Are we focused on substance over politics in how we engage with our choices responsive to social and environmental contexts?
- Is our governance approach fit for purpose not only in structure but in the substance, including the behavioral and operational aspects of how it’s given effect and the dynamics between the board and the executive?
- Whose voices are being heard, how are decisions being made, and what kind of information and priorities are being based on? Then, how are those decisions being executed and managed?
- Are we clear on where we need to focus and what we need to invest in to advance our purpose over the near, mid-, and long term in this changing context?
- Is there coherence, congruence, and appropriate feedback loops between our purpose, strategy, and decision-making?” Read the full ARTICLE