
COP 28: Where are the Workers?

Original publication November 23, 2023 

The Conference of the Parties (COP) negotiations process on climate action is becoming more inclusive, but it so far has left workers and their organizations on the sidelines.  Workers, unions, and workforce policies are central to the achievement of net zero and a just transition to a clean economy. 

Disrupting Trust Fund Madness

Original publication September 20, 2023 

Multilateral development banks reward their employees for relentlessly raising donor contributions to their burgeoning pool of trust funds, rather than incentivizing staff to reduce poverty on the ground.  This extreme acquisitiveness should be disrupted as part of a broader effort to reform the MDBs.

Ghana’s anti-LGBTQ+ hate campaign deserves a serious response

Original publication August 16, 2021

Ghana has long been known for its moderate governance, free speech and multicultural tolerance. But a proposed new law would radically and cruelly suppress the rights of LGBTQ+ people there. Canadians should support efforts to kill this bill. See link to read more of this blog

Ghanaian diplomat Sulley Gariba, who worked to level inequalities, called Canada his second home

Original publication May 19, 2021

His commitment to democracy was deep. He recruited and mentored new political candidates across all parties to better represent northern Ghana. He became a political commentator on radio and television. He wanted more action, less talk.

Checking China’s Economic Excess in Africa: Institutional and Civic Strategies

July 16, 2019

As China’s rise to neo-colonial dominance in Sub-Saharan Africa accelerates, kicked into a higher gear by the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), African leaders from village to statehouse are seeking effective ways of checking Chinese economic excess on their sovereign lands.

Tech Tonic: Are Development NGOs Ready For AI?

May 6, 2019

On the outskirts of Dhaka, in the soft blue glow of a bank of computers, young engineers customize software for businesses from around the world. In a village outside Chittagong, a mother logs into an online-money platform to transfer tuition funds to her daughter in a nearby college town.

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E.T. Jackson and Associates is an international management consulting firm providing strategic planning, organizational learning, and performance assessment services in sustainable development to grant-makers and investors in the public interest in developed and emerging economiesWe are located at:
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