Training in Evaluating Impact Investing in Africa

Working with African partners, we built an executive course on evaluating impact investing


From 2013 through 2016, Jackson and Associates partnered with the CLEAR Centre on evaluation in Anglophone Africa at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and the Ghana Venture Capital Trust Fund in Accra to develop and pilot test 24 modules for an executive course on evaluating impact investing funds, programs and individual investments in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Other partners included Greater Capital in South Africa and, in Ghana, the Institute for Policy Alternatives and the Business School of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, a public, university. This initiative was supported financially by the Evaluation Office of the Rockefeller Foundation and by the International Development Research Centre.


Elements of the course are being used by universities, funds, NGOs and consultancies in Africa and elsewhere.  We encourage adaptation and use of this curriculum and are interested in receiving feedback on your experience in using the modules. To access these open-source modules, please click here